
Old Wood Box Decorating Ideas

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This unassuming wood box caught my eye at a garage sale, I took it home and gave it a modern vintage makeover. This would be a perfect idea for any old wood box you have in your stash or come along on your hunts. When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

There was more to this box than meets the eye. I'm always in love with a wood box that is a clean slate for decorating, like this one was, because I can take it home and make it my own. But what sold me on this $2 find was what I found when I peeked inside. When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

You see, I almost passed this little box up because I have a ton of things like this at home already. But something told me to walk over and take a look. Open the lid and check it out. When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

I'm so glad I did. Look what was inside. A tiny copy of the New Testament. Immediately I marched over to the check out TV tray and forked over my two bucks. I felt like I stole it this was such a good deal! When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

I kept thinking about this box as I painted it and now as it sits in our home looking so fresh and cute. I'm sure it's a good example of the old "don't judge a book by it's cover" lesson, but really I feel like it tells a bigger story.

A story of time and unexpected gifts, a story of effort and uncovering. Seeking. When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

Recently I sat in church and was, I'm sad to say, distracted from the sermon. I don't really even know what the pastor talked about that Sunday. Although, I'm not really sorry, I think that's exactly what God wanted from me this particular week. Something happened at church that day and something fundamentally changed in me. When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

I sat and starred at all the people. They of course where intently looking ahead at the pastor, unlike myself. As I looked around the room I saw the people. I actually saw them in a way I never have before. I recognized that behind each head of hair and each starry gaze was a world of wonder, hurt, excitement, longing, anger, fear, joy and pain that isn't revealed by their put together appearance that a Sunday morning brings. Each person carries a story inside that wants to be told, needs to be held and sometimes just wishes to disappear. All different. All important. Hundreds of boxes filled with gifts.When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

I'm guilty of viewing the forest, but not the trees. I look at the whole but don't take time to look inside, at the details. It's not even about judging the book and moving on, sometimes I even pass up books that look like a good read. It's about never opening it and missing out on the surprise story inside. The secret gift that others hold to my own healing, growing and joy.

Opening the box takes effort. It takes curiosity. It takes time and seeking. Sometimes I will be met with a special treasure and sometimes the insides will be disappointing. But the journey is always worth it. In a day of having a million "friends" on social media, I felt God taking me a step back and asking me to really see people. Hurt for them. Be broken for them. Be joyful for them.When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

But that takes opening the box.

And I want to do that more.

In a world growing wider we need to grow deeper and this little box reminds me that God always has a special gift tucked inside when we take the time to look. When we seek him we are never disappointed. This blog is such a gift to me. You are such a gift to me. I want to open the box more, hear from you, know you, learn about you, share with you, be broken for you and lift you. So…I'm seeking, but you have to meet me halfway by letting me know what's inside! Friend, even if you don't reach out to me today I pray God will place special gift boxes in your life and give you the eyes to see them, the nudge to walk over and the courage to open them up. If the box happens to come in a wood form, then this cute little makeover will literally take minutes and look adorable. But I'm hoping you find the human kind too. 🙂 When you find an inexpensive wood box and you need a fresh and easy makeover idea this is an easy way to update a decorative box in minutes. Little wood boxes are perfect for storage and decorating ideas. #woodbox #modernvintage #updateidea #easyDIY #fiveminutecraft #vintagestyledecor

Blessings, Kim from Hunt & Host Connect more here:

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Old Wood Box Decorating Ideas


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